I Just Want To Be In A Relationship

I Just Want To Be In A Relationship 我就想谈个恋爱[重生]

RAW Source
Author: 连朔 (Lian Shuo)
Total Chapters: 102
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Translators: Qing


BL (220)Romance (220)Completed (218)Entertainment Industry (43)


In his last life, Film Emperor Yu Qinghuan had always obediently listened to his company and his manager’s words in order to not expose his sexual orientation. Even up until his death, he had never once experienced love.

This time, Yu Qinghuan made up his mind: Fuck being a celebrity, fuck his public image! Laozi wants to be in a relationship! Little did he know, he had already been locked on by a wolf hidden in the dark.

A koi-like Shou who is bursting full of luck x A wolf-like Gong with an innocent maiden’s heart


Translator's Note

Raws says 他妈的 (Ta Ma De) which if translated literally, would mean “His mother”. With context however, since the Chinese are very fond of insulting your family members, it means “Fuck”.

Translator's Note

Laozi: It’s kind of a haughty way of referring to yourself. Think of it as calling yourself “This ancestor”. Literally translated as “I, your father.” NOT the philosopher 老子 (which also has the same characters haha).

Translator's Note

Raws says 运气爆表锦鲤受 which roughly translates to ‘’Bursting full of good luck koi Shou”. Koi represents wealth, harmony, and success in Chinese Fengshui. Basically the author just wants to say that he’s someone with a lot of good luck. Here’s a link!

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  1. Just when i was thinking of reading this again it was picked up by CG

    Thankyou for this

    Ps:Feels great to be the first to comment😂😎

  2. OMG, it’s here! Camping~

    I read it before, but I wouldn’t mind reading it again. Fufufufu

  3. i thought this title sound familiar, turns out indeed i’ve ever read this! i’ll read it, thanks for pick up this novel!

    farming now~🏕🏕

  4. I screamed when I saw this being picked up hhhhhhh I miss my babies, gonna reread it again here! Camping~

  5. Mmm…i thought this story has already translated(MTL) at Flying lines🤔🤔🤔 but i don’t mind read a proper translated version since this is a very good story😆😆😆

  6. Isn’t this novel already translated by someone else? If the other translation isn’t mtld, it really doesn’t sit right with me translating novels that have no translation issues, just saying….

  7. I read this at Flying Lines… one of the first BL novels I fell in love with and still continue to re-read. So pure. So much fluff. And the friends gained are so precious (and so friggin’ hilarious)!

  8. Thank you for translating this novel… will catch up so far then look forward to the weekly chapters. I’ve read it before but still excited for this!

  9. Waaahhhhhh, I thought it was familiar 😂😂😂, it really is, I’ve read this in novelfull a year ago (?) 🤣🤣🤣

    Definitely rereading again! Thank you for picking this up!

  10. Why this site always delete a comments? If the admin feels its wrong to say what the readers truly thinking about the story, why make the comments section? Only to hear praise and compliment?