I Just Want To Be In A RelationshipCh11 - Street interview~


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Translator's Note

Translator's Note

好容易 means very easily but I think it should be 好不容易 which means after much difficulty.

Translator's Note

Does not necessarily mean that he is drinking milk tea but the type of cup that is used for milk tea.

Translator's Note

Sound of the plastic film being broken into by the straw.

Translator's Note

打蛇随棍上 directly translate to hit a snake with a stick but it creeps right up along the stick. This would mean taking advantage of the opportunity to get the benefits.

Translator's Note

狗屎运(Gǒu shǐ yùn) – Dog shit luck means that you have a stroke of luck for no reason at all. Sounds negative but it actually means good luck (very very good luck).

Translator's Note

踏马(Tà mǎ) censored version of 他妈(Tā mā) meaning fuck or shit.

Translator's Note

速战速决 Literally “Fight a quick battle to force a quick decision”. It means to resolve something quickly, act promptly.

Translator's Note

一个鹦鹉精. Literally parrot spirit. 精 (Jīng) can mean many things, such as essence, energy, spirit. The 精 here is from 妖精 (Yāojīng), which is a demon. It is interchangeable with 妖怪 (Yāoguài), though the latter has a slightly more negative undertone.

Translator's Note

Nickname of Zhao Qingyuan, 大渊(Dà yuān).

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  1. Hehehehe he can’t escape fate.. and the dumb ZQY is cute, but not as cute as our baby huo who has nothing to worry in life other than the goldfish qinghuan will buy for him …

    Thanks for the chapter ♥️♥️

  2. Oh my goodness my stomach hurts from laughing 🤣😂🤣

    Thank you for the chapter ❤️

  3. I just cantttttt helpppppp I’m wheezing so hard. please let this entire novel be just as funny throughout as this chapter is! ZQY seems like such a mood and I love all of these characters so much

  4. nah, cause I legit laughed when the part about the automated replies came out. 😂😂 foul, but funny. HAHAHAHA.

  5. Qinghuan: Why do I feel like I am raising children? One is handsome and obedient, but can’t take care of himself and the other is pretty and capable, but a bit silly.