I Just Want To Be In A RelationshipCh57 - The both of you are so clingy with each other, who wouldn’t be able to tell.


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Translator's Note

I think this here should be Qinghuan. The original said Huo Qu so maybe the author mixed the POV up.

Translator's Note

Jack, Queen, King

Translator's Note

None of us know how to gamble, but according to google, straight flush is when the cards are in a numerical order, all of identical suits. In the event of a tie: Highest rank at the top of the sequence wins. The best possible straight flush is known as a royal flush, which consists of the ace, king, queen, jack and ten of a suit.

Translator's Note

8.6 million HKD, or around 7.6 million yuan and 1.1 million USD.

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