I Can't Be This ProtagonistCh39 - Reward


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  1. So, we meeting our half-Japanese rival in China in Soviet Union building… Yeah, I feel like home 😂 But to be honest papa Ji is sucha a ‘daddy material’ XDDD He doing something weird with me and my mind XD

    Thank You for the new chapter (。’▽’。)♡

  2. Daddy Ji is getting more and more likable for each chapter he appears in – even though he probably shouldn’t because it shows how manipulative he is. I kind of wonder for what purpose the author gave him so many scenes for recently – will his actions lead to something big or will he fade to the background when MC is done with his son?

  3. First chapter of the papa joe’s arrival, I had commented, how I’ll just sit back and watch them ship even the two of them.

    Few more chapters in, Me Right now: papa ji is the ml right? Why you guys silent? He is.

  4. fuck, i’m actually really attracted to dilfs so i want this guy to be a capture target so fucking badly 😭😭😭

  5. Daddy ji should be part of the harem. It’s cannon in my head and no one can say otherwise

  6. I dunno why i find the stability of father Ji to be quite….attractive? Even though he’s doing things his own way, he does it confidently and so decisively. Eh. Must be the appeal of mature men. 🤭🤭🤭