Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 98.2


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  1. Little Disciple is so cruel😂 Giving no face to ugly demons! Shizun is a face con confirmed.

    Thanks for the chapter ~♡♡♡

  2. Loud laughter.

    Ah, yes. Rong Jue is truly someone of great character and morals, he really is. Those soldier’s reactions were verey funny, and how Rong Jue is so possessive towards Shi Qing is cute in it’s own way…


    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. The demon soldiers have been wronged. And… I thought there will be some more dog blood drama. Guess SQ can’t bear it anymore.

    Thanks for the chapter~

  4. Indiscriminately commit slaughter? No, it was very methodical and he gave people a chance to surrender, where was it indiscriminately?

    Also, there are many ways to ambiguously say how great Rong Jue is.

    Ahem – His lordship is powerful and domineering, admirable for his deeds beyond compare. Hardly anyone would find it possible to follow in his footsteps and his character is a big reason why he managed to make it this far. He is someone who sticks to his words and his actions show that he means what he says.

  5. Hahahaha poor demon soldiers. I could feel the trauma they got lol.

    Thanks for the chapter

  6. Demon soldiers be like: Why are we here again? just to suffer? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    😂😂🤣 Rong Jue you really is Shi Qing’s disciple, the acting and shamelessness is top notch 😂

    Thanks for the chapter ❤❤

  7. Can we get a moment of silence for the poor, innocent demonic cultivators who fell into the grasp of a literal demon.

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  8. I’ve ketchup finally 😌 Since Shi Qing is so confident of his plans, I wonder what he’ll do if things don’t go his way for once 🤔 What if he makes a blunder 😆 I know it’s not gonna happen but thinking abt those ifs are exciting 😌🍿🍿

  9. Feeling a bit sympathetic to those demonic cultivators.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  10. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 wheeze T-this one is dying from laughing so hard, even this one’s head is hurting now 😂😂😂

  11. I’m gonna die out of laughter because of this chapter😂😂 I wanna see this chapter get animated or at least a fan art, it’s a pity I’m not good at drawing😢