Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 98.1


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  1. Lmaoooo he changes faces fast!! Too funny!!! Shizun is the only one in Little Disciple’s heart😤🤭 But he did bring peace to the cultivation world all for his Shizun🥺 Tho in exchange Shi Qing must have had a very busy night life, a price he was probably very will to pay👀

    Thansk for the chapter ~♡♡♡

  2. Kyaaaa amazing! Simply amazing! My respect for rong jue 📈📈📈 Ahhhhhh I’m waiting for the sweetness of next chapter! Thank you translators and editors for the chapter! ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  3. This disciple’s stubbornness has no bounds. I don’t think even Shi Qing quite suspected he would go to such lengths. Truly amazing.

  4. Shi Qing is very satisfied with his baby Rong.

    Im sure he is excited for their busy night life.

    Thanks for the chapter

  5. A little obedient puppy in front of his Shizun, a big scary wolf in front of others. Their interactions are cute, especially how Rong Jue acted toward Shi Qing after learning the ‘truth’.


    Thank you for the chapter. ❤