Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 97.2


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  1. Ahhh so cool!!! Little Disciple has grown up! Shi Qing’s life as Shizun will be filled with papapa again!!!

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡

  2. Sigh… It’s nice to see Rong Jue all behaved~ like a little good kid <( ̄︶ ̄)> Thank you for the chapter~(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

  3. Translation: Wife, I brought you the entire demon realm as dowry. Marry me!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Wow so many BL on this site.. Hello I’m a newcomer and just finished reading up to the latest chapter of this novel. Can’t wait for what will happen next.. 😄

  5. Wow nice turn-around!!! I’m definitely getting a Luo Binghe vibe from Rong Jue too haha

    Thank you for the wonderful translation <3

  6. I was expecting dog food, but i wasn’t expecting this. That drastic change in personality when in front of Shi Qing, it’s really our ML, hah.

    As i read to the last word, i couldn’t help but think of him returning with an army and a propost of making an alliance as a marriage request, i laughted outloud and almost dropped my phone. Truly cute of our ML, to propose like this.

    Thanks for the chapter! ❤

  7. Thanks for the chapter 😊

    Also I’m wondering what your update schedule is so I can add it to my calendar since I always seem to miss when new chapters comes out

  8. awwwww also can i mention that i can’t really take the nsfw part in this arc as non-con mainly because Shi Qing was SUPER excited when Rong Jue ‘forced’ him lol