Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 99


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  1. Ohhhhh!!!!! Rong Jue’s acting has influenced history XD amazing! I’m excited for the next arc ahh. It sounds so exciting. Thank you for the chapter!!!

  2. This was one hell of a whitewashing…

    O.O Uncle and Nephew…Very Very Excited

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  3. curious what happens to systems who went to that small dark room!

    New Arc!!! So excited!!!

    Looking forward to uncle and nephew’s love story ah bwahhahahaha

    thank you for the chapter!

  4. Lmaoooooo not the history class 😭🤚They were even made to be a and they were roomates type of relationship😂

    Next up is psuedo *ncest, usually not by cup if tea but we’ll see

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡

  5. ML’s brainwashing is still scary as always. 😂

    “According to Mo Jiang Quick Transmigration Bureau’s rules, we won’t place hosts in roles related to the protagonist.”

    But, uncle and nephew are still related, right? And still considered as incest?


  6. “Stop wasting your breath. Everyone knows that Shi Qing’s a good person.”

    rolls credit

    —nope! There’s still mooree~

  7. It’s not necessarily uncle and nephew, yes? Since the words “Weren’t formally adopted” exist, my guess is he’s called uncle because he’s thinking of adopting shi qing?And ahhhhhh, that small snippet of the beginning of the next arc has driven up my anxiety levels. I’m so filled with worry in my chest i fear i’ll end up avoiding the arc for a few chapters! But Shi Qing has never had any serious problems, i’m sure he’ll be able to handle his man with ease in this arc as well! I wonder how many more arcs there are? I haven’t gone to the novel updates page for a while. I’ll go look.

  8. RJ is the ultimate in shamelessness. Looking forward to this next arc.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  9. I love how Rong jue just lied in his own memoirs to make his actions and his shifu more kind. . How thick skinned and shameless can one be? 😂😂

  10. i can never get used to how quick the transmigration is xD so excited for uncle and nephew!!! >///<

    thanks for the chapter!!

  11. “(…) should we call Shizun mother-in-law or Da-shixiong sister-in-law?”

    Was Shizun and Da-shixiong mixed up…? 🤔

  12. “emotional yet logical persuasion“

    I just imagine Rong Jue on his deathbed writing the Cultivation world SATs.

  13. Written in history, he’s a good person, how could it be wrong… They were both bad people? Huh? No way, how did you get that idea… pats history book You can look it up right here, they were both very good people…

  14. Ah, yes. The ultimate whitewashing, Shi Qing’s whitewashing is so powerful the chocolate stains in my shirt dissapeared!

    Hmm, uncle x nephew… This is new, and since it’s Shi Qing, i know this will be a good arc~. And, we’re already at chapter 99, time sure passes fast when you’re enjoying yourself.

    Thank you for the chapter.

  15. HOW EXCITING! this small reader is somewhat ashamed to say that uncle-nephew pairings always get me fired up!!!!

  16. “Stop wasting your breath. Everyone knows that Shi Qing’s a good person. It’s clearly written in the history books.”

    The title is here xD

    Thanks for the chapter muah 💋

  17. The next arc’s theme seems to be a common one in transmigration fics but let’s not pretend that we don’t read cliches ≧∇≦ (but if you don’t read cliches then it’s alright)

    Thank you for the chapter!

  18. ” The teacher sighed. ‘From the memoirs of Rong Jue, of course.'”

    i cant breathe

    anyway, how could future scholars be so careless as to use such an obviously biased source?

  19. Let me just… here.

    Shang Lu nodded earnestly. “Tell me. I’ll definitely be able to answer.”

    Qiao Lingyu blinked innocently. “After the cultivation partners ceremony is over, should we call Shizun sister-in-law or Da-shixiong mother-in-law?”

    Shang Lu: “…”

    Was it too late to take back his previous words?

    They are talking about the real stuff that matters… So deep.

  20. Third pseudo-incst arc in a row lol (yeah shifu traditionally considered as a father figure to his disciples so it counts as a pseudo-incst too). The author is quite kinky I guess 🤔 (says a svsss fangirl ahhaha). Though I’d like to see smth new instead of this kind of relationship again.

  21. Ahhhh historical records as fcked up as I expected them~! Σd(๑ゝ◡•) And praises to Mo Jiang Quick Transmigration Bureau, morals of those kind are always welcomed.

  22. This arc reminded me of a novel between a shizun and his disciple where both of them went back in time, I forgot all the details from so many novels I’ve read but I think the disciple there dismembered and poked holes to his shizun when he went out for revenge then both of them went back in time(?) I think I have to find that novel again 🤣🤣 been on my mind the while reading this arc. Thank you for the chapterss and the hardwork too ❤️❤️❤️

  23. Shi Qing once again changed the history like when he was the machine king, the marquis researcher, and now the immortal cultivator shizun😂