Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 100


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Translator's Note

云灵 – lit. ‘Cloud spirit’

Translator's Note

丁克 – double income no kids

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  1. Happy 100!!!! Shi Qing is so cute~♡ Little Tsundere~ I’m sure uncle will catch on soon🤭🤭 Or rather his brain hole will fill in the rest

    Thanks for the chapter ~♡♡♡

  2. Best wishes and congratulations on reaching 100 chapters🎊🎉🎉🎉🎉. Can’t wait for more amazing and hit blooded chapters😘😘

  3. Aaahhh, I don’t know if she’s just a passer-by character but Miss Zhao seems cool ah~

    Thank you for the chapter~

  4. What? Shi Qing’s plan is to make his uncle and the protagonist misunderstand his intention of making the protagonist’s life difficult? Like, from what Shi Qing’s said to this potential auntie, maybe he did all that because he heard a rumor about his uncle banging an actress (the protagonist), so he did everything he could to make the protagonist leave?

    • it will probably be something like he liked his uncle and was previously possessive now in love… while for the protagonist it will be something like he didn’t do it maybe … I’m not sure on how the protagonist route will go

      • Yeah. Maybe the story will be that he noticed the resemblance (don’t know how he knows how the ml mom looks like but the story wrote that there were no photos of her and I always think that if someone mentions something, then it’s a part of the plot, so maybe the ‘nephew’ found a picture and hid it and when he saw the protagonist, he was conflicted) and he found out someone was gonna drug her so he followed her to keep her safe and then he got caught and misunderstood.

  5. Happy 100!!!

    Omg, SQ is going down the I-only-wanted-your-attention-so-I-acted-out

    I-secretly-love-my-uncle!!! Route!!!!!

    Omg, good 100!!!

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

    • Maybe the story will be that he noticed the resemblance (don’t know how he knows how the ml mom looks like but the story wrote that there were no photos of her and I always think that if someone mentions something, then it’s a part of the plot, so maybe the ‘nephew’ found a picture and hid it and when he saw the protagonist, he was conflicted) and he found out someone was gonna drug her so he followed her to keep her safe and then he got caught and misunderstood.

  6. Happy 100 chaps!~ Mehehehehe their interactions are already so cute ah~

    Miss Zhao is so smooth ah

    Thank you for this chapter!

  7. Starting off with a bang!

    Congratulations on reaching 100 chapters and thanks for all your hard work! 💕


    16 years… girl dats a mtv teen mom… but… shi qing fan brainrot 😔❤ i will continue

    thanks for the chapter

  9. Haha ah yes. I can’t wait for shi qing to turn the situation around again and then create a pit in the ML’s brain once againnnnn XD

    thanks for the chapter!

  10. 100 chapter!!! That’s a lot of chapters! Thank you for translating this work, I’ve enjoyed reading it. Wow, this little guy sure knows how to start working at it so soon.

  11. So, chapter 100 , huh? After all this time, we have come so far. I absolutely will read this story till’ the end.

    And, the other world begins! I wonder how Shi Qing will whitewash himself this time? Playing the harsh on the outside, but fragile in the inside type?

    Oh well,

    Thank you for the chapter.

  12. Yay! It’s already arc 9 but till now i cant figure out who’s the shou and who’s the gong!! Wu~*sniff. It’s not that I can’t understand but, hey! the character of Shi Qing’s partner in every arc were always changing especially on the vacation world, so I’m a bit puzzled, eh. Also, there’s no nsfw(ehem) so he he~ you know(◡ ω ◡)

  13. I know it’s fake so why am I already freaking crying at the mention of tears??? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I’m weak against low eq love deprived childrennnnn (/ •Д•)/