Escape the Infinite ChambersCh205 - Extra (IV)


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Translator's Note

Usually an action associated with more feminine males.

Translator's Note

Talked of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived: talk of someone and he/she/they comes

Translator's Note

The author literally meant sieves. Like the sieves used for cooking/baking. I have no idea where they got the sieves from, I’m assuming they drank too much and got it from somewhere…

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  1. I was hopping for this CP too, they looked kike a fun match

    Btw, what happened with Ah Lan and LJ, i feel like they need each other as much (if not more) that they need their lovers

    Thanks for the great job translating ♥️

  2. oh huh :0 i wasn’t expecting that LOL bc their interaction was so short… it’s nice to see that the two do meet up eventually though

    thank u for the update!! <333

  3. This CP is so sweet. I need more extra chapters or separate novels huhu. btw it’s finished right? geez how nice it is to read this novel.

    thanks to the author for translating

  4. I was thinking they had such chemistry back then! Not surprised about this CP at all — in fact i was looking forward to them!

  5. Why does everybody else get to have a happy ending BUT FYL? What did that poor baby do to deserve this treatment?

  6. I wasn’t expecting it but when LJ thought about Clown and his cousin’s gaze hahahha I felt that someone like this would happen. But I want to know who is the shou and gong?

  7. Okay… I already expected them… Hehe… The moment they were killing saving each other(when they first met) in the huge tree…