Blooming RomanceChapter 89


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Translator's Note

Translator's Note

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  1. Really happy to see LYC’s father being incorporated with the family as well. That must have been something he wanted for a very long time.

    Thank you for the update

  2. I felt so bad for President Lin. Thankfully they were able to speak of their sons and break the ice.

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  3. I, too, often wake up from naps when i sense food.

  4. How to make harmonious conversation between parents: badmouthing your own child to the smallest sin 😂😂😂 I love how the situation goes from awkward to warm, awww :3

  5. Though I feel bad for LYC’s father , I know it will take time for things to get on track. I am glad he could enjoy some family time.

  6. Yaahhhh!!! Thank you so much for the update 🙏💓🌻🌹💜

  7. Aww, it’s good to see both dads breaking the ice, even though it’s by roasting their sons! It’s now a cosy family unit 🥰

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  8. This is very heartwarming! I was worried that the two families will find it too awkward. Glad the two dads had found a common topic (roasting their sons) hahahhahah

    Thanks for the chappie ( ˘ ³˘)♡

  9. I am crying at the saltmate dads diss battling their sons. These old men are as cute as their sons and almost as cute as their grandson!

  10. Sweet sweet sweet

    Lol, these two fathers talking about how bad their sons are got me rolling.

    I hope from now on father Lin will find his happiness. He has been misunderstood for too long😢