Escape the Infinite ChambersCh204 - Extra (III)


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  1. oh my… it’s such a unexpected ending. Does that mean due to Xing Yan saving Jian Luo first, FYL never got the chance to met Jian Luo though?

  2. oh damn, was not expecting that at all. i can def see both sides at fault since the two are stubborn as hell in their own ways, but this is pretty realistic

    thank u for the update! ;u;/

  3. It’s kind of unpleasant not to see the interaction between Lj and Fyl. but I hope fyl is always happy, why is her love so bitter 🙁

  4. This was pretty unsatisfying. Especially the fact FYL & JL are apparently not friends. Was XY subconsciously jealous of their relationship that he sabotaged them?🤔

    Everyone keeps saying their both at fault but I totally blame DL lol. I have no idea what they’re fighting about, but it was pretty clear that DL would beat the crap out of FYL which isn’t okay. DL wasn’t the best guy in the previous timeline so I guess I was hoping for too much from him. At least he’s not a rapist, I guess.

    Thank you for translating this series. Finally catching up with it today!

    • Oh 100% agree. Also did everyone just gloss over the fact that FYL was 8 and DL was an adult when they met?? There’s a clear power dynamic with that age gap :/

  5. Day 7292020 of hating DL. He’s a pretty crappy person- rapist, abusive, has anger issues. Y’all kept blaming FYL, but it’s DL that’s taking advantage of FYL’s poor physical constitution that he managed to hit him multiple times. FYL has been sickly since he was young, and DL’s obviously physically stronger. I don’t give a damn what argument sparked their fight, but it is never justifiable to commit domestic violence. I hope he gets thrown to prison. He’s a criminal.

    • And istg, FYL in this novel is so unlucky. He’s got an E-rank luck, and the author keeps throwing him pits without giving him a satisfactory ending. Hell, he even got beaten up by his lover. Poor FYL.

      Don’t give me the “it’s part of life” justification, I just feel so upset for his ending. If every other character has got their own happy ending, why is his so awful? He’s such a sweet and supportive person. Seriously, he deserves better. He deserves so much better; author-nim.

      • He does deserve better. He was such an amazing friend. Why would he lose his best friend and end up in a relationships like this?!?! WHAT IS THIS?!?!

  6. I watched sekaiichi hatsukoi so i know what scene youre refering to but this is… i like duan li but it’s a shallow kind of like, the kind of like i give to characters simply because they were important.

    He has to improve so much, in his current state he doesn’t deserve feng yulan at all

    And the ending… the moment i read the r*pe scene i know what kind of character duan li would become but this is still too much.

    Feng Yulan is an amazing and gentle character, he doesn’t deserve this. It’s like halfway through the story the author decided to… abandon? His character. He had so many premise that was never carried through. What shadow?? What split personality? What specialising in certain mages power??

    And like what others said… i feel like it would be far better if fyl and lj are friends, it would make it far more impactful if they knew and dated different people before eventually ending up with each other.

    The author is really too casual with topics like rpe and pedphilia!!!!!!!!!!!

    But still thanks for translating♡♡♡♡♡♡

    • ikr FY has so much potential to be OP too and I was really expecting a character development for DL

      that’s why I feel the ending seems abrupt

  7. What the heck? No matter what fight or disagreement you have in a relationship how could you fear to beat someone that you’ve loved. Sure Duan Li wasn’t a rapist in this timeline, but beating your partner is just as bad. FYL deserves better. I hope FYL meets LJ somewhere down the timeline .

  8. If ur talking about Takano and Onodera in Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, then yes I do think that its similar with how their relationship ended at first due to the faults of both sides

  9. Feng YuLan deserves happiness. He should not be with Duan Li. In my mind Ah Lan is happy in a beautiful relationship with someone who truly loves him.