Escape the Infinite ChambersCh203 - Extra (II)


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Translator's Note

The e-sports sequel of EIC could be known as reincarnation night/transmigration night.

Translator's Note

The Type 54 and its variants are Chinese copies of the Soviet type Tokarev TT-33. Type 54 pistols are also known colloquially as “Black Star” pistols due to the five-pointed star engraved on its all-black grip panel. (cr: Wiki)

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  1. it seems like it’s an interesting overlap of timelines… that or possibly LJ also had some sort of ability similar to XY that allows him to “remember” things, but XY’s memory is superior to LJ’s

    thank u for the update!!

  2. I love their relationship but… i wonder if xing yan took over Feng Yulan’s position as the best friend.

    Also im lowkey upset that all the premise of fyl being op never happened…

  3. Hmm I don’t think XY remembers everything, but rather he probably has some impressions?? Like an inexplicable voice/feeling in his heart that says “find LJ and help him”, or something along those lines

  4. guyssssss do u remember?? during the first few chapters LJ mentioned that he knows about guns and weapon because he have a friends who’s obsessed with them but LJ never reveal that friend’s name. Now dont you think the guy is XY?? 🤯