Escape the Infinite ChambersCh202 - Extra (I)


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Translator's Note

Xingshi: civil and administrative cases

Translator's Note

Huoyan: fire. 

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  1. Ahhh so sweet~~ They finally have an ending they deserve 😭💕

    Thank you so much for the chapters translator-san!!!!😆

  2. i wonder how XY found out about LJ if they hadn’t met before?? it also turns out that XY came from a rich family? 🤔 somehow, that seems fitting haha

    but it’s very cute aaaah 😭 thank u for the update!!!

    • My guess is that since XY had the power of space, he kept some of his memories using his power as space, as hinted in the extras. Also, XY had also promised that he’d look for LJ this time…like he did in the arcanum train arc as well. It’s all due to his power of space. Even XY falling in love with LJ was also because of his power of space LOL, because his soul was split and one part of his soul went to the first chamber he met LJ…so I guess his power of space is really OP.

      Hope this answers your questions…🤣

  3. Soooo sweet! I love how LJ pretended he didn’t want XY to ravish him then got upset when he didn’t 😂 so funny! I’m so glad they got a happy ending

  4. I think this is an unpopular take but after reading this I wish everyone didn’t lose their memories.. LJ after memory loss is no longer the same to me as Abyss!LJ and I really wanted Abyss!LJ to have a happy ending after all the shit he went through

    Idk I just feel like Abyss!LJ’s character development got shafted, would have liked to see him adjust to normal life again :c

    • Nope I think the same, they went through so much and worked so Hard!! It’s very sad that they didn’t get to keep their memories. Also the character we grew to love and cheer for, we’re definitely not the individuals that were introduced at the end. Which is why the ending felt so lacking ! I disliked that the characters I loved so much was no longer themselves in away 😭

  5. “What the f*ck! Are you a man? Didn’t we agree that you would assault me at night?! Such a big, fatty piece of meat placed in front of you and you are not eating it, are you a man?!” The best part 10/10 lol