Escape the Infinite ChambersCh201 - Valiant Battle (End of Main Text)


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  1. what an ending… at least they will all live a life where they don’t have to face such pressures

    thank u for the update!!

  2. Ngl I’m lowkey disappointed and I can’t quite explain why. It was so… anticlimactic. Forced, even. Did Clown really have to die? Did the cousin either, for that matter? Is there no conclusion? What’s with that God of time? Bruhhhhh so many unanswered questions 😰

  3. You know why? Even if I didn’t know about the extra chapter existence, i think I will be really satisfied by this end (tho i won’t deny maybe myself will be a little bit disappointed).

    But this is the good ending that i would love to, and if i make some story like this, I’m sure I’ll make the ending like this too. That’s a long journey, really. Spends 3-4 days to read it fully till the end. Long journey, painful journey, good journey.

    Albeit late, Thanks for all the hardworks!

  4. I am literally crying rn and I can’t help it ಥ‿ಥ Just the thought of Xin Yan and Luo Jian in each other’s embraces, crying, while everything around them goes down. Idk, this all came so suddenly?? And I’m not even sure if I should take this as a happy ending or not.. not to mention that clowned and spectre died D: Just when I was about to ship them lmao, I really hope the new side couple are those 2

  5. Fuck! This was too thrilling!! I am spellbound! The mystery, the plot twists, the characters, everything was amazing! So much character development is very rare to see. I am so so glad to have read this.

    Thank you so so much for the translation! ❤️❤️❤️

  6. A fitting ending imo. It might appear unsatisfying to think that they will forget their journey together, but they deserve a life without all that suffering. And who knows how their paths might still cross.

  7. Binge-read this one and I can’t believe I’ve finished it. I’ve grown attached to this novel specially to the characters. This was the first unlimited flow novel that I’ve read with thriller and horror tags and all I can say is, it was mind-twisting and effin AMAZING! The ending for me is quite abrupt. I can understand the sentiments of my fellow readers bcoz maybe we became used to the blood-curling and intense scenes that we wanted the ending to be more. But still, it is satisfactory for me. It feels like a ray of sunlight after a storm. LJ was able to truly succeed and saved all the secret chamber’s players (dead or alive).

    Albeit late but thank you EIC team (translator and editor/s) for translating this amazing novel!

  8. A bittersweet ending in my opinion. I feel like I understood half of the things that happened in this novel and the other half I never will. But it was an interesting read nonetheless. Thank you for the translation!