Escape the Infinite ChambersCh153 - The Corridor of Time (IX)


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Translator's Note

The day where the gates of hell open: following the lunar calendar, there’s a month every year set for the hungry ghost festival, where the gates of hell would open for 1 lunar calendar month. The date every year is different (because it’s based on the lunar calendar). And in that month, all types of ghosts would surge out from hell. The Chinese would then put out food offerings and incense for the ghosts, while burning several paper offerings (usually in all sorts of shapes, e.g. houses, cars, clothes, credit cards…etc). Usually, from where I live (and because my family believes in Taoism), we would first give offerings to our ancestors, deceased relatives and friends, then to placate wild ghosts, we’d give some offerings as well, so as to ‘bribe’ them to not disturb us throughout the month, as they’re enjoying in the human realm.

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  1. ooh…. so that’s how clown survives in the previous scenario 😮 interesting to see another weapon that’s kinda similar to LJ’s, except that it affects others and not the weapon itself – i guess they’ll be making the treck upstairs? nice to know that the ghosts won’t bother them LOL (hopefully)

    thank u for the update!! <3

  2. Awww.. maybe that’s why he changed? His weapon got him good.. but deym that weapon si just OP

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻

  3. this explain a lot of things…….. my previous guess about the god and ghost tomb is partially wrong and maybe I will be wrong again…. but this I think explain the involvement of a-lan from the beginning and also why a-jian choose clown in the team survival….

  4. Wow Luo Jian really dare to hypnotise Clown at the end huh 😅. After all Clown is still concious even when his mouth honestly answered. Can’t wait to see how he reacted after this. This makes me wonder whether in the God and Ghost tomb, did Clown truly survive OR Luo Jian successfully copied his scalpel, thus transforming Clown into what he is “the undead”. And at which point of time did Clown discarded the name “Hong”?? I felt like I can understand how he become much more twisted and perverted, 16 y.o him is already a pervert to 11/12 y.o Abyss.