Escape the Infinite ChambersCh154 - The Corridor of Time (X)


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Translator's Note

broke the cauldrons and sunk the boats (idiom): cut off all means of retreat

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  1. wow, this scenario went by really quick – is that really all it is though? hong is cute in a weird sort of way 😂

    thanks for the update!

  2. Huhu so my mind is blanking out again.. so Clown really didn’t die in the Tree God’s chamber? When specter shot him he didn’t die so that’s why.. Is bbLJ colluding with him at that point? Haha deym it.. when time travel is involve it goes in a loop which confuse the hell out of me hahahaa do they need to keep the timeline accurate.. or not? Hahahahahaha Aaaahhh Ying, why can’t you just borrow another’s body to put a bug or a virus in the system lol

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻

  3. I am confused now.. so Clown had known Abyss’a plan in God and Ghost chamber? That is why he separated from his team, probably he didn’t know the plan fully and just trusted Abyss instruction? Clown is so good to Abyss. And he also had noble motivation. I am glad LJ got a promise.. I bet it must have been very hard walking those path alone.