Escape the Infinite ChambersCh152 - The Corridor of Time (VIII)


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  1. i had forgotten that LJ is technically dead… lmao clown and his needy paws

    i wonder if the beast is nearby… thank u for the update!!

    • Me too! I had been a bit baffled why the ghosts afraid and respectful of him. I had thought it is due to netherlamp thingy. And this reminded me of when Luo Jian faced off with Clown before in that narrow tunnel, Luo Jian had said “I can’t die like this” followed by, for some reason Luo Jian had always thought if he had to die, he will always die through su*c#de… and didn’t he basically su#c#d# in order to leave CARealm?? So I just hope this isn’t another vast version of that infinite train loop thingy.

  2. Awww noooo LJ… Speaking of ghost.. idk if i remember correctly but there’s a player or team with that name? Or was it the one that wiped out XY’s team?

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻

  3. I really regret it when I stopped reading this for like some weeks ago now I’m lost lmao btw what if the NPC referred to the beast without a heart as his lover that broke up with him? Figuratively speaking that the lover took his heart the moment she or he left the npc? Hmmm

    Thanks for the chappie!💞