Escape the Infinite ChambersCh140 - Crimson Asura Realm (IX)


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  1. Hmmmm.. is it himself? Hahahaha ei i feel like the wolf has something hehe

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. So this arc is ah jian leveling up? Like wow How strong would he become after he come out!

  3. It was not that he was really invisible, but when Luo Jian used the mental technique, the people around him would collectively…… ignore him.

    Don’t tell me he’s that little boy with an umbrella as a weapon

  4. Maybe the man is the one who created the crimson realm, the strongest player. Maybe they have some connection and that man is guiding him

  5. Sh*tt!! I had always thought that man is Xing Yan aka ML! But now.. I think that is Luo Jian himself!!!! So he had went to find his child self for whatever reason and then now when he is this big.. he disguise himself as a child? O.O !!!