Escape the Infinite ChambersCh141 - Crimson Asura Realm (X)


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Translator's Note

godly stabilizing seas rod(定海神针): Sometimes people just translate it as its hanyu pinyin, but I prefer to translate it to English. This is another name for Sun Wukong’s weapon, jingubang. Sun Wukong is from the story Journey to the West. 

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  1. Okay so the small child WAS young Luo Jian, or at least some other version of him. I can only assume rn that the wolf is Xiao Yang since it’s so focused around Luo Jian.

    Thank you for translating!!!😍💋💕❤💖

  2. AAAAAH I WAS RIGHT OMG aaaaaaaahhhhh it was him all along.. so he escaped in the asura realm.. i think the young boy was future LJ deeeym.. and the wolf reminds me of XY.. he promised LJ that he would be always protecting him even if he’s not present so maybe the chamber reflected his desire by turning him into a wolf? Hnnnnfgfhhh this series is just 👌👌👌👌❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Thank you so so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

      • I actually think that is Duan Li. You remember how he died last time 😂. Knowing this guy that move by instinct, he might remember the sensation being killed by Luo Jian and it didn’t help that Luo Jian did killed him multiple time in CAR. Now that he learn CAR rule, I think it is very Duan Li like to protect and then killed LJ himself 🤣.

  3. HECK YEAH IT IS HIM !!!! i’m assuming he’d use his umbrella to escape the asura realm bc he goes unnoticed/slips through the boundaries (maybe?)

    thank you for the update!!!

  4. I knew it was him!!! I’m still generally confused tho

    Thanks for the chapter!! 🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️

  5. People who guessed about the umbrella be lyke: “I KNEW IT!!!”😂 and about the kid is actually ah jian was already pretty obvious from the end of infinite train arc!

    Next thing awaits to unveil is how ah jian become a kid? How did he escape from this realm? And who the hell is “the strongest person”?🤔

  6. Haha…… now the only time I am not feeling angry anymore toward ‘the boy with umbrella’. Eventhough I already know before this that the boy is LJ in the future but still cannot be accepted because he is the reason LJ team suffer pubishment. But he has the reason. Now I understand. If LJ never go to the punishment chamber, the future LJ will not be able to save Ah Lan n the gang in the train. Hope I am not mistaken.

  7. Now, it became a red—umbrella.

    “This umbrella looks damned familiar,” Luo Jian murmured to himself.

    It is him, but why take the appearance of a child though, we all know you ain’t innocent anymore 😆

    • But it is quite weird the future him felt surprised seeing Xing Yan and LJ eating each other face out 😅. So future him comes from another future timeline right? Where maybe they are not lovers, only ally or bestfriend?

  8. Ahhh i was wrong but STILL such a good reveal damn… at first i was like “oh.. all that hint for a rod??” BUT NOW EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE

  9. Oh my god, it’s so weird seeing the future take shape, when you already know what’s going to happen

  10. I’m getting real anxious here because I have this lil guess on what’s gonna happen next but who knows (;ŏ﹏ŏ)

  11. A bit expected. Because Ah Lan won’t casually trust anyone about his best friend’s life unless it’s his bestfriend himself or someonehe really trusted.

  12. My guess is that Alan and company was not able to escape the punishment chamber hence LJ came back to the past to save his friends or maybe he was able to find a loophole to finally escape the infinity chamber but the key to escaping it can only be found in the past.