The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh61 - Taking a Bath


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Translator's Note

Something like this, I guess. 

Translator's Note

窝囊 (wōnang) Suffering an otherwise preventable frustration/annoyance; helplessly vexed/annoyed.
Good-for-nothing; hopelessly stupid; cowardly.

Translator's Note

A round cushion/praying mat for use in meditation.

Translator's Note

同床共枕 (tóng chuáng gòng zhěn) Share the same bed and the same pillow. V8ZubG

(Fig.) Be married.

Translator's Note

欲罢不能 (yù bà bù néng) try to stop but cannot; be unable to stop even though one wants to; can’t help carrying on.

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  1. MTL is so considerate of Lord kitty!😍💕

    Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~❤

    • Love how Qingtong is so comfortable around MTL now (physically) 😁 thanks for the extra chapter!

  2. Of course Qingtong wouldn’t find out, at least not this soon. But poor Meng Hu tho, to get a kennel to rest in… And MTL…. sighs ofc he would sneak only “one” touch and end up making excuses for himself throughout to the whole night… ^^;

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  3. “I’ll touch just once.”… an hour later, “lt’s still the first touch!” 😉

    Thank you

  4. Now that is a doting gong. I wonder if the beans will get spilled, or if it will be a natural progression.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  5. “Who else would I let bath me?” bathe

    “Where they truly willing?” Were

    Hmm… I guess the author was setting it up the entire time, but I don’t really like the “dual cultivation” thing. The same with his kisses somehow being helpful. Pretty cheap.

    Thanks for the chapter.

    • Dual cultivation has been used in many wuxia/xianxia series. For other series, it’s just the demonic sects that use them, but there are those that treat it like a regular occurrence (e.g. for arranged marriages). I’ve encountered vessels/furnaces in other manhua, but the explanation here is much better.

  6. Ohhhhhhhh. Qingtong is more permissive now! But Mo Tianliao is taking liberties with him!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. Whaaaat he bathed his cat everyday?? Thankfully, it’s demonic, because that would be stressful to regular cats. 😅

    The soul subjugating horn is probably being used on the fox’s sister. 😭