The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh62 - Fox


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Translator's Note

It has not yet developed sapience.

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  1. Interaction between MC & ML so cute! Lord Kitty’s eyes glowing before a nice scratching chest. 🐱 🌲. 😆

    Thank you

  2. Sigh, as a woodman MTL cant escape his fate of being a scratching post u-u but there is indeed some progress hhhhh >u<

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  3. This sect is really the worst!

    Isn’t DZ’s half brother the guy who has MTL’s wristguard??

    Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~❤

  4. At Absolute Death Valley three hundred years ago, he had rubbed his head against this place over and over again, but it still would not get warm.

    I was having a good time reading such fluffy scene but this line slipped me across the face…

    Thank you for the translation!!

  5. Heheh master Qingtong, just acknowledge that he’s the one for you.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  6. Finally!! They’re going to rescue the other fox!!! And just in time! Ugh What are those People thinking… Forcing the little demonic beasts to mate… Disgusting!

    Ahh, well, Qingtong now knows What is Mo Tianliao thinking about him… Is himself willing or not?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. That short heartache from reading that Lord Kitty found out that his favorate resting place isn’t warm anymore, is a really nice punch of sourness after eating something sweet.

  8. It’ll be okay if someone’s made a blood compact with the sister fox, guys! Qingtong can rip out the bastard’s soul to dissolve it like he did for the baby leopard! (Plus honestly having your mind ripped up is a very suitable punishment for someone who’s enslaved a sapient being)

  9. I hope they can take the white fox away. And maybe save some other demonic beasts along the way.

    These scenes with breeding and cruelty towards demonic beasts somehow brings to mind the state of our society’s animals that we call pets. We breed the ones that are in high demand, whether they’re willing or not. Today, this breed is popular, tomorrow is this one. 😢 I wonder whether the author also wanted the readers to make this analogy.

  10. I hope this novel completes what frustrates me about Soul Land. The matter of catching sapient beasts for power wasn’t quite resolved in there.