The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh60 - Tiger Penis


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Translator's Note

In traditional Chinese medicine, a tiger penis 虎鞭 (hǔ biān), when consumed is said to be a potent aphrodisiac and an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction.

Translator's Note

流 (liú) to flow / to move or drift
茫 (máng) vast, with no clear boundary / fig. hazy / indistinct / unclear / confused OVRicj

However, it sounds like 流氓 (liúmáng) which means:
rogue / hoodlum / gangster / immoral behaviour

Translator's Note

道号 (dàohào) Taoist name.
After a ceremony of ordination, Chinese monks and nuns assumed clerical names or religious names.
Taoist names were commonly used as a kind of assumed name (hào) following the surnames or used as separate appellations. Some names were self-assumed and some were given by pupils to their master.

Translator's Note

微茫 (wēimáng) blurred; hazy; dim.

Translator's Note

微尘 (wēichén) Tiny dust/ (Buddhism) minutest particle of matter.

Translator's Note

禅 (chán) dhyana (Sanskrit) / Zen / (Buddhism) meditation.

Translator's Note

Take the following tl;dr with a huge grain of salt as I’m really not sure of its accuracy:
In traditional culture, the triangle represents sharp, destructive and unstable power and an excess of masculinity/virility.

People with this type of eye shape are comparatively irascible and their fortitude is stronger. They are also rebellious and their ability to get the upper hand is significant. They are not afraid of hardship and will use any means necessary to obtain their goals. Ancient people’s evaluation of the triangle eye reflects their belief that people with this eye shape are strong and stubborn, moody, not prone to sentimentality, ruthless and capable of disregarding other people’s “face” or feelings when dealing with things.

Translator's Note

According to the Classic of Mountains and Seas, at the eastern end of the Bohai Sea, existed five mountain islands where the immortals lived, called Penglai (蓬萊), Fāngzhàng (方丈), Yíngzhōu (瀛州), Dàiyú (岱輿), and Yuánjiāo (員嬌).

In Chinese mythology, the Penglai mountain island was often said to be the base for the Eight Immortals, or at least where they travel to have a ceremonial meal, as well as the home of the illusionist Anqi Sheng. n2yRzU

Supposedly, everything on them seemed white, while their palaces were made from gold and platinum, and jewels grew on trees.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

There was no agony and no winter; there were rice bowls and wine glasses that never ran empty no matter how much people ate or drank from them; and there were enchanted fruits that could heal any ailment, grant eternal youth, and even raise the departed.

However, the roots of these five sacred mountain islands were not connected, and they often moved up and down with the tide, without a moment of stability, so they were affixed on top of giant Ao turtles. Later both Dàiyú and Yuánjiāo drifted into the north pole and eventually sank.

Translator's Note

沾花惹草 (zhān huā rě cǎo) this also means to be promiscuous or to frequent brothels.

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

文玉 Meaning something like gentle/refined jade.

Translator's Note

帝休 (dìxiū)
帝 (dì) emperor
休 (Xiū) to rest

This is a legendary tree first mentioned in The Classic of Mountains and Seas.
Apparently, after eating some, it would settle the person’s mood and make it harder for them to become angry. Its leaves are like that of the poplar, its branches present five ramifications. It has yellow flowers and black fruits.

Translator's Note

反魂树 Meaning something like re-ensoulment tree.
反 (fǎn) contrary / in reverse / inside out or upside down / to reverse / to return / to oppose / opposite / against / anti- / to rebel / to use analogy / instead /
魂 (hún) soul / spirit / immortal soul, i.e. that can be detached from the body
树 (shù) tree
It was first mentioned in the Compendium of Materia Medica, a Chinese herbology volume written by Li Shizhen during the Ming dynasty.
It looks like a Chinese sweetgum tree and its fragrance reaches hundreds of li. It could be made into an incense that could revive the dead.

Translator's Note

The equivalent of talk to the hand, though I guess if Taishi were to talk to MTL’s hand MTL would still be able to hear its inane chatter.

Translator's Note

It actually said to condense it into a 婴 which is the second character for 元婴 (Nascent soul). But since 婴 actually translates to infant, I thought it would sound weird.
The Nascent Soul resembles an infant or miniature person and resides in the Dantian, typically sitting in a meditative position.

Translator's Note

To most men the ideal would be the reverse, that is, to lie on some beauty’s knees. That’s why we’ve invented things like these:

Translator's Note

不打自招 (bù dǎ zì zhāo) confess everything without having received a single blow of the bamboo; let the cat out of the bag without being pressed; an unsought confession; confess without torture.

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  1. If Taishi doesn’t learn to watch his words he’ll be constantly undergoing fire and ice tribulations😂😂

    This chapter had many long notes, you have worked hard!!💕💕

    Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~❤

  2. Im expecting there’s a kissing scene here because of the message in the last chapter. Hehehe

    Lord kitty is getting closer and closer to MT in his human form!

    Btw thank you for the chapter❤️

  3. Thanks fo the chapter 😀

    I feel like taishis gonna get a painful death one of these days xD

  4. What would our Lord Kitty do if he finds out that dual cultivation is a way to mend his soul? He’ll probably turn Mo Tianliao into wood shavings 😂 😂

  5. The poor Big Fatty 😂

    I Wonder what would be Qingtong’s reaction If he learns about dual cultivation with his disciple… He should know already, though.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. Why does Taishi like being a dildo so much lol 😆

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  7. Hhh, I wonder how Qingtong will react when he finds out abt the alternative way to cure his soul. Will he bring out his claws or will he think that MTL doesn’t want to do it with him? 🤔

    If it were before, I wouldn’t bring out the second option, but Qingtong seemed less oblivious of his feelings during the jealousy incident so I’m gonna consider it a possibility for now (srsly tho, I’m really loving the growing physical intimacy between these two while Qingtong is in his human form, especially when he takes the initiative)Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  8. If I remember correctly, that ding person still has the other bracelet right? Ahh, I kinda want mtl to get it back or something soon…😣

    Thanks for the chapter! 💜😊

  9. the tiger holding the dick in its mouth…that image is a bit interesting ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  10. Typo: “Liu Mang Zhenren, who had been seating” ››› “seating” should be either “seated” or “sitting”

    Poor Taishi, being such a good wingman and getting clay baked for its trouble 🤣🤣🤣