Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh43 - Results


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Translator's Note

eh it’s like don’t be too absolute in your decisions, make sure to give in a bit, so in the future, your decisions won’t backfire on you

Translator's Note

墙倒众人推 Literal translation is that ‘when the wall is falling, everyone pushes’

Translator's Note

reminder that the author used the word that could be interpreted as either miscarriage or abortion

Translator's Note

莫能两可 author typoed, which sure made me confused. She meant 模棱两可… which means ambiguous btw

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  1. I think Yu Tang should study and use his own tests to impress Song Xiao Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)

    Thanks for the chapter ^ ^

  2. XiaoXaio and Xiao An need to study together without Fish Tang. That’ll teach him. 😤

    Thank you

  3. There isn’t a single likeable female character except for MiaoMiao here _(:зゝ∠)_

    And I wouldn’t call it cheating but sometimes I used to peek at which answers others chose just to feel secure about my own answers. For some reason I couldn’t resist even when I became a class topper (≧▽≦)

  4. lol i find it funny that it’s a classic BL school story but ML doesn’t need to ace his courses to be OP hahaha

  5. Man if someone flipped my daughter’s skirt no matter, if they are family members or not, I would beat them Even though that child is just a kid, he has to know the consequences of the things he did.

    But I guess father like son. Father isn’t anything good so can’t expect anything more then that from his son.

  6. Wow perfect score in humanities! You’re barely in the modern world for a year so you still did great, Song Xiao! Btw I always crack up whenever Song Xiao calls his family’s business a “theater troupe” lmao