The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh16 - A Rich Wife


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  1. I’m happy Lin Shu can practice and have a little progress. Practice makes perfect!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Well, your master was was right. You won’t ever have a girlfriend, but you will have a husband.

  3. Poor guy thinking he could never get a girlfriend….. Well that’s right!! But you will get a wonderful boyfriend 🤗😜

  4. “Pigs could never fly into outer space, so it seemed safe to assume that he would never have a girlfriend either.” That’s because he’ll get a beautiful rich boyfriend 😌. Thanks for the chapter!

  5. lol I’m loving this story, diff from other stories I’ve read, there r many girls,they hav status in the world nd not annoying

    Thank u for the translation ❤️