I Like Your PheromonesCh53 - Ge ge


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  1. So sweet❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Thanks for the chapter and your hard work. If you get a Patreon account I would gladly support your work.

    • Thank you so much for your support Luoyuan!!! ❤ For now I think I’ll stick to a Ko-fi because I don’t think I do enough translations to justify a Patreon hahaha maybe I’ll consider this again sometime in the future!

  2. Ohh my teeth are falling off from this sweetness every time…. And DJY is really looking to be bullied..

    Thanks for the chapter ♥️♥️

  3. Whooooo, what an amazing chapter! Do much progress between my boys

    I’m not 100% sure but I beleive there is a missing verb in this sentence

    “Lu Xingci could clearly see a flash of discomfort flash

    • Noo it published before I was done writing… 😭Anyway

      “… Of discomfort flash across Duan Jiayan’s eyes, […] ”

      Thank you so much for your hard work Tea ❤

  4. what a tease!!! KKKKYYYAAAAAAAAA!!!!

    Btw, did you write it wrong? they’re on high school right now, 4 years ago should be in elementary school right?

    although i know in this story both junior and highschool is merged, but translating it as 2nd year elementary school feel wrong and the gap is too large.

    but cmiiw

    and thank you for the translation~

    • Thank you for pointing that out! It’s a different school system from what I grew up with, so I was a tad bit confused hahaha ;;; I changed it and hopefully it works better!

      • oh shoot, i wrote it wrong too, 4 years ago should be junior high school, not Elementary school. good thing you understand my point 😅

        oh, we sure have lots óf different school systems 😮 it’s okay, i understand ^^

        thank you for correcting it