I Like Your PheromonesCh54 - Possessiveness


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  1. i like duan jiyan’s and lu xingci’s dynamics so much!!!! djy can act stubborn and bratty in front of lxc and lxc just goes with his antics also their interactions seem softer than ever now that they are clear on what they are feeling hehehhe

  2. their relationship is really different from other couples, when i first read the synopsis, i thought this will be another cliche highschool abo story, but no, this one is really really really unique and lovely. thanks for translating 😍

  3. Oh my gosh they’re so sweet together that Duan Jiayan doesn’t even mind the teasing and wants to be a Good Boy 🤩

  4. I love how they’re open about their relationship compared to others that I’ve read. I love Duan Jiayan’s personality so much! I aspire to develop that attitude! Sending my love to our couple!