I Like Your PheromonesCh55 - No Hiding


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Translator's Note

The word is in English in the raws.

Translator's Note

** is in the raws. Perhaps the author meant his lust?

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  1. Day by day, both of them turn braver and braver. Not that I’m complaining. 😙

    Thank you for this chapter!!

  2. Very nice, LXC! Djy getting cocky! 😆

    P.s. happy lunar new year to you and thank you for the chapter! ❤️

  3. Idk if it’s just me but i feel like a part was skipped… the transition from chapter 54 to 55 feels like it’s missing something? It just looked like chapter 54 is missing a part (also noticed it was a chapter quite short compared to the other chapters until now??) Maybe it feels strange because i’m binge reading 😅

    And btw i finally caught uuuup!!

    • This chapter is indeed shorter than some of the others! Also there was a time skip after the end of chapter 54 which is why it seems as if some parts are missing ^^

  4. Xiao Duan ah~ Xiao Duan~ at this rate if your relationship step keep improving I’m afraid you’ll get to the last step before you become an adult~ Be careful and wear protection as it’s not advisable to have children at such an early age~ (clearly a joke cuz author already said they’re not gonna write mpreg, also a question does getting a timeskip and having children considered mpreg?)