Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh31 - “Are you happy being a mistress?”


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Translator's Note

Internet slang for a fight between 3 or more people related to relationships that hurts everyone present

Translator's Note


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  1. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the headphone fanart shot my heart!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍 Huanhuan saying gege with a straight face… aaaaaaaaa!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍 and –

    Pft – hahahahahahahahahahahahahha!!! A mistress calling the legal wife mistress? She dared! Now she was kicked – twice! By the legal wife and the husband himself! Gj, Gege! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    Thanks for the chap! Always looking forward to this!

  2. It seems that Xiang-gege doesn’t have that much of a front against XTJ xD And Immortal Mengmeng totally deserved that one!

    Also the fanart is so CUTE!!! “not loli enough” LMAO I SCREECHED! XD

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  3. This crazy girl keeps the hate running. Doesn’t she have pride? She’s so pathetic.

    Huanhuan Will go on a vacation… Could it be he’ll met Xiang Huaizhi there? Thanks for the chapter!

  4. thank you for the update!! the fanart are all so cute😭😭

  5. 【YY Announcement: “Are you happy being a mistress?” has been kicked out of the YY channel and ID banned from entering the channel for 7 days by Administrator “Yearning For”.】


    Thank you for the chapter!

  6. 【YY Announcement: “Are you happy being a mistress?” has been kicked out of the YY channel and ID banned from entering the channel for 7 days by Administrator “Yearning For”.】


    Thank you for the chapter!

  7. You would have thought she’d gotten the message after he killed when she attempted the PK… alas here she is again

  8. Regardless and Xiao = power couple ( was honestly scared regardless was a catfisher too)

  9. Yearning you’ll be at the hotel too, yes? yes???? you need to ogle your future husband and current stalker…Mengmeng is SO A.N.O.Y.I.N.G hope she’s not in same uni as them uughhh

  10. How does this girl even have fans

    HAHAHA imagine being banned by both of them i would have deleted my account right then and there HHHHH