Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 86.2


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  1. Aiya, I can already tell Shi Qing is going to love this “revenge”🤭

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡

  2. Rong Jue: falls of cliff and finds he’s part of the demon race

    Me: Binghe, dat u?????

  3. Little disciple… You think you’re master manipulator but you’re actually walking right into the REAL manipulator’s hands. 🤭

  4. Haha. He thinks that it will be the ultimate revenge, but, knowing Shi Qing, it will probably be playing right into his hand.

  5. Hahahahaha

    I think this world is the most pleasing for Shi Qing. If I’m not mistaken, it only took him two days to wrap the ML around his thin and delicate finger adorned with neatly trimmed pink nails.🤣🤣🤣I really love hand descriptions, but when I read them I can’t help but laugh.Thanks for the chapter♡

  6. Rong Jue: I am gonna break this Shizun’s wings by a well thought out plan

    Shi Qing: Here, Hold my sword

    Thank You for the Chapter!!!

  7. This really reminds me of Scum Villain Self Saving System. Well, let’s see how our amazing Shi Qing will handle this.😏

    Thanks for the chapter.

  8. This is SVSSS mixed with 2HA (humiliate Shizun in bed?? HellOOOO there Moran and Wanning) 😂 fk, both are my favourite cultivation novels

  9. A tsun shizun secretly in love? A reborn in the past demonic cultivator disciple who wants to humiliate his shizun in bed?

    Husky and His White Cat Shizun is that you?