Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 86.1


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  1. Shi Qing will have to do alot of work to convince this little demon lord disciple~ (lol he’s about to have fun~♡)

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡♡

  2. SQ is one of my fave QT characters. He’s just like…too fun.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  3. Hahahaha!

    MC convincing his lil disciple to go to his side but with extra love♡


    Thank you for the chapter!

    Really curious about how SQ will finally convince RJ that he’s “innocent”


    Can’t wait!

  4. 500/100 animosity value

    System: /panicks/

    Shiqing: It’s fine. It’s fine.

    ML: What are you planning?

  5. [Extra: After becoming a demon lord, Rong Jue was about to go to Chi Yun Sect to seek revenge on Shi Qing when he suddenly woke up one night, reborn! He had returned to the time when his spiritual root and cultivation had just been destroyed…]

    So, after Scum Villain Self-saving System, we’re now jumped into The Husky and His White Cat Shizun? 😂😂😂

  6. I have given up on trying to predict How SHi Qing will whitewash himself 0.0

    Thank You for the Chapter!

  7. My one and only joy has become waiting for this to update and then rereading it again and again, I have never loved a novel as much as this one🤩🤩😍😆😆😆🥰

  8. Both of them are trying to trick each other… But only Shi Qing Will succeed!!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  9. Aye, they will both play each other. But Shi Qing will play that demon lord to death ahahaha…

    Thank you for the chapter<3

  10. Hahaha, this was kinda like SV at first, now it’s SV + 2HA~~ Thank you for the chapter! ❤❤