Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 87.1


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  1. aaaa i saw the notification and rushed here and OwO

    the moment rong jue decided to stay HE HAD FALLEN FOR SHI QINGS TRAP mohahahahhaga

  2. I’m here to tell you that I did indeed cry from the face slap, Shi Qing is one hell of a white lotus, he sure know how to whitewash his image😂 This little disciple is walking into his trap perfectly😈

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡

  3. Say, just a quick recap, what’s the personality/specialty of each arc?

    Arc 1: Righteousness

    Arc 2: Frivolousness

    Arc 3: Ambitionousness? because he was ambitious I guess?

    Arc 4: Possessiveness?

    Arc 5: Pureness/Goodness?

    Arc 6: Brain Hole/Individuality? I don’t really know. All I do know is that he had a huge brain hole.

    Arc 7: Laziness? Because he was sleeping for years.

    Arc 8: Maliciousness? The best one I could come up with since this arc just started.

    This was the best I could do. Any help correcting this would be great.

    • The word you’re looking for is ambitiousness. Also, I completely forgot about that. Good job on remembering 👊

  4. He should’ve left when he had the chance, Shi Qing will play him to death… Thank you for the chapter<3

  5. No matter which world, ML is simply helpless towards SQ.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  6. This is what would happen if Binge had a rebirth..I must say – This should be our most blackened protagonist till now..

    Thank You for the Chapter!!!

  7. I Wonder what kind of things Shi Qing hide in that wall…

    Rong Jue, you evil brat!

    Thanks for the chapter!