Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 87.2


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Translator's Note

Chicken is an euphemism for a certain part of the male anatomy, even in Chinese

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  1. Lol ML acting like a little white lotus~ Shi Qing is thoroughly enjoying this play😂😂😂

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡

  2. ML acting like a white lotus….let’s have a who is the better white lotus competition with contestants Shizun and Rong Jue~

    The chicken tho…..I wanna eat roast chicken🤤

    Thanks for the chapter~

  3. If I don’t know better, I would think Luo Binghe’s and Mo Ran’s souls merged and become Rong Jue here… 😂😂😂 Such a little white lotus…

  4. When i read about the chicken i started to smell it, roasted chicken… I though i was just imaginating things but turns out they were really making it. I’ll have to wait for christmas for it, wuwuwuwu.

    And, ML, is it really okay to show off in a hour like this? I mean, MC is cleary enjoying himself, but… Let’s just wait and watch.Thanks for the chapter! <<3

  5. Rongrong: I have a wonderful plan and no one will find out about it muhahaha

    Shi qing: what wonderful acting amused and enjoying it

    System: →_→

  6. Is Shi Qing wearing light clothes? Rong Jue could feel his body a little like that!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. “Especially since this big bear was manhandling his waist and burying his face in his chest, thinking that no one noticed him taking advantage of the situation.” sounds a bit like something shi qing would do lol

  8. Feeding ShiQing in every arc is a must! Lol. Ooohh this time is ML starting to eat tofu first 😝. Thank you