Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 88.1


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  1. Muahahah ML, are you sure you wanna go through with that?😋🤭🤭🤭

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡

  2. I don’t think he knows who the boss is in this relationship. RJ, you may be the top but SQ hold the reins. 👀

  3. ‘Then, he would personally kill Shizun as slowly as possible.’

    Aiya~ can you really do it? 😏

    Thanks for the chapter translator-san ☺

  4. I love how we’re all waiting to see when RJ realizes he’s not the boss in this relationship and that he could never do something like that to our Shi Qing

  5. Why do I have a feeling that Shi Qing is going to enjoy the punishment.. Whitewash himself.. And make you regret everything like hell 😂


    Author, did you feel lazy when you write this arc, because Rong Jue’s character is sure as hell looks like Luo Binghe, and Shi Qing very much like Shen Qingqiu?

  7. Lmao, everyone keeps saying SVSSS but I think the plot is more similar to 2ha. He’s more of a Mo Ran/Taxian-Jun guy but the shamelessness is definitely very in character for Bingge😂😂

  8. Я даже не знаю, что сказать … Мне нравится этот парень. Я уверен, что он даже не сможет ударить своего Шизуна, по крайней мере, после этого (*/ω\ *), спасибо за оживление

  9. Emmm…*cough

    The Male Lead-sama seem to be short of few screws…

    Male Lead-daren, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say, that, umm…you’re going to regret even thinking of doing that to Shi Qing. Dearly.

    So, here’s hoping that your wifey, Shi Qing Shizun would show you some mercy…

    Lighting candles for ML!!!🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯

  10. Shouting across the room. ” Are you sure about that?” Laughts in already know he’ll regret that later.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  11. So there is a demonic cultivator whose thing is collecting tsunderes?

    I love that ML is playing MC’s game.

    Thank you for the update!!!