Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 102


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  1. HAHAHHA, Shi Qing really displaying the rich young master temperament huh, other people don’t even get to speak 🤭

    Shi Qing is so crafty~

  2. In the end, she couldn’t help but speak up, “When did I say that I believed you? You were clearly the one who–”


    Shi Qing stretched with a satisfied look on his face. “The weather is so nice today. I think I’m going to rest on the recliners for a while.”

    Then, he waved at Cheng Yunling.

    “Thanks for believing in me.”

    Literally me and my parents conversation everyday-


  3. HAHAHA it’s not even a day since little shi qing show up yet tan mingjin already talk like he known him for long time! So cute XD

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. This arc’s situation seems a little hard to deal with, i wonder if Shi Qing is going to have to blame someone else of the original’s deeds?

    ML’s brain is still working fine, don’t worry. Though, in the future there is a 100% chance of a brain hole situated.


    Thank you for the chapter.

  5. I tried to accumulate chapters … the key word is “tried” Thanks for the chapter (~^ – ^)~♥︎