Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 103


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  1. Lmfao Shi Qing is too much!!! So tsun this arc, so cute! Cant wait to see some more

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡

  2. It’s like a more intense version of the High School Bully arc. (when this arc started i caved in to the urge to go back and re read from the start. I may cave in again once i finish my re-read of IWL

  3. Bahahahahahaaaaa this is the best prop usage ever.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  4. Cuuuute(~ ̄³ ̄)~, haha, and smart♡(灬º‿º灬)♡

    Thank you very much❤️❤️❤️❤️

  5. kya this is arc is too cute… must say i love this novel

    does anyone know something similar to this?

  6. Shi Qing’s acting is so powerful, truly a master in white-washing. Though i wonder how he will get this world’s MC to like him? Because, the original did drug her, right? Is he going to force the blame on someone else?

    Mini Shi Qing’s reactions are the best, honestly. I really would want to see a illustrated version of this scene, i would save it in my gallery of ‘Novels to Remenber’, it would be a nice photo to have.

    Oh well,

    Thank you for the chapter.

  7. LOL i can’t believe that his hand just hovers a centimeter away from her shoulder!! Young Master Shi, can’t you commit to the con? You’re going to get found out! (which is, of course, the plan). Thanks for the chapter!

  8. tsun tsun shi qing is too cute!! can’t wait till tmj realizes so he can become a full on softie~

  9. Ah I was just about to start missing the little guy! I feel pretty bad for Cheng Yunling.

    Thanks for the chapter!!!