Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 104


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  1. I’m crying over how cute little Shi Qing is. His main ways of communication are crying, spitting and asking for hugs 😂

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  2. Damn straight guy ML ah!

    Little Shi Qing’s face changes too fast ba its too cute~

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. Ah… now I feel bad for Tan Mingjin. Looking forward to when he realizes that he did, in fact, raise a white-eyed wolf, just not in the way that he had expected.

  4. Tang Mingjin: I’ve decided to become a good father for my adopted son, so why my son’s inner self spitting at me in anger? I swear he’s like a woman, difficult to understand.

  5. humph..i hate you translator san

    inner me: i love translator san translator san is amazing <3 <3 <3

    *asking for hugs and kisses

  6. Wittle Shi Qing is killing mien heartu!

    Thank you for the chapter! I think this is the arc that I will adore the most. ≧ω≦

  7. This might be my favourite arc just for little SQ uwu he’s so cute ahhahaha his three moods: sobbing, spitting and begging for huggies