An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh136 - The Conclusion


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Translator's Note

The direct translation is more like, the end of the song or the finishing of the song. The conclusion, or outro, is a way of finishing or completing the song. It signals to the listeners that the song is nearing its close.

Translator's Note

Common translation for this Chinese term, it means shou/wife pursues (wife chasing), is the best to the gong, or does everything good to him; but in return gong/husband for various reasons hurts shou/wife and shou/wife gets hurt deeply until he leaves. Then gong wakes up, realizes his loss, and chases shou (credit of this goes to Bamboo).

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  1. Wowowowow 🎉🎉🎉 congrats on posting the last extra!! Hope getting the rest of the chapters here goes smoothly .

    I can’t believe Ji Yue and Wei Lian wreaked so much havoc in the last chapter and then just dipped. It really overshadows getting their immortal buddy hitched here, at least for me hahahaha

  2. And we reached the end! Oh, that was a very great journey! (。’▽’。)♡ I love all our dear characters, they were live-like written with all those dilemmas, a mixture of feelings and different motivations! The plot was interesting and very emotional~ I had a amazing time reading it (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡ Even the “what happened in the future” plot, which I usually don’t like in historical novels, was nice o(〃^▽^〃)o Thank You very very very much for Your magnificent work! ❤⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ ) It was amazing as always~ Take care, sending You a lot of love and can’t wait more more projects from You! ♡〜٩( ╹▿╹ )۶〜♡
  3. Thank you so much for the translations!! This was one of my favorite novels, and I love Ji Yue and Wei Lian so much 🤧🤧

  4. Started — April 9, 2024

    Finished — April 10, 2024Thank you for the amazing translation!!٩( ᐛ )و The text was translated very well and the story was simply amazing. The characters are also cute(◍•ᴗ•◍)!!

  5. Thank you so much for all your hard work with translating this! And thanks for giving me the chance to read Wei Lian and Ji Yue’s story ♥️