Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh26 - Dependency


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Translator's Note

another exclamation at the end of a sentence

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

something like this, but with the described colors

Translator's Note

the word used meant presenting as a memorial, like a case for ancient emperors

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  1. Maid: Hang on the tree … the pants not the boy

    Dugu An: … anyway it’s the same …

    Emperor: …yeah

  2. That little theater, Fish Tang didi also reincarnated?? 😳

    Aunt and uncle, your time is up! 😎

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  3. I’m sure what YT mean is hang the boy on the tree… Tsk tsk, even the most naughty cousin I have, know looking at girl underwear is bad…

  4. Hmmph! That was his intention, have zero doubt. Let him know bullying our little princess is not allowed!! Emperor you’re too cool!!!