Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh27 - Name


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Translator's Note

debauching him, an idiom

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

Translator's Note

same pronunciation as Yu Lin, different words, like Fish Pond as Yu Tang

Translator's Note

chinese equivalent of a pet name for lover, like baby, or darling

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  1. I’m crying omg, YT is hilarious.

    Gege, why is didi crying?”

    “He’s too happy,” Yu Tang said expressionlessly.

  2. Whoa didi retain his memory??? That must be sucks to go through baby phase with an adult memory 😅

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  3. The little bro reincarnated too? o-o I hope so, cause even tho his earlier appearance was short I liked him

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  4. didi, you have to protect your saozi next time for your brother.

    zhang xiaoren is that traitor minister, right. is he also reborn? into a dog?😅

  5. Hmm. If they were both described as autistic before their memories came in, does that mean they only got the emotions from the memories maybe? I really doubt they were actually any more autistic then than now seeing as that’s all about the way the brain functions… I mean, I can definitely see SX as still being autistic. But I still think, maybe he seemed stupid and standoffish because he was grieving without knowing why. I’m uncomfortable with how much trashtalking is being done using the word autistic in this novel.