Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh45 - Lu Xu, Where Were You?


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Translator's Note

chinese slang to express that something/someone is amazing

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  1. Ba mei… You shouldn’t go out at night… Things now are going to become troublesome, aren’t they? I wonder if LX will interviene as a grim reaper

    Thank you for the chapter!!! ❤️❤️

  2. Hm? I’m not going anywhere.. just picking Ba Mei up ( ╹▽╹ )

    Where do I sleep? I sleep in my husband bed ah.. <(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)/

  3. He went to another room- I mean he went to look for Ba Mei… Yes.. Ask Ba Mei, he will testify 😂

    It’s sweet how Lu Xu makes Ji Xiunian sleep easier uwuThank you for the great translation! 💙

  4. I’m glad Ji Xiunian could sleep well! And it’s funny that everyone wants to say Lai Chengshan went to talk to Lu Xu when he said he’d never met him, but I guess since he died there really isn’t much reason to insist on believing him anymore. Though getting struck by lightning really does smack of the supernatural—is no one going to suggest that Lai Chengshan might have angered the heavens?

    Thank you for translating! <3

    • He probably did, since he was living on borrowed time. Evil guy literally stole someone elses’ lives. (  ̄^ ̄) =3

  5. ehem of course Lu Xu went out to catch Ba Mei! he definitely didn’t sleep with JXN or anything… 👀

    thanks for the chapter and happy new year~ 😸🎉

  6. Just blame in on Nian ge. He was just out helping Nian burn the uniform offerings and autograph and then spent the night with him. That’s all…

    thanks for the chapter! <3

  7. They’re sooo close to getting the truth. But it’s too illogical. Haha! I’m glad Lu Xi seems to have a good relationship with everyone. But we haven’t heard about Lan Gaojie for a while. I hope their filming goes well.