After Marrying The Villain, I Became PopularCh91 - Forever (End)


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    • Am i the only one disturbed not having the Xue family reaction after opening the gift? I’m so distracted that i can’t comprehend all the chapter after that 😭..i want to know their reaction (although i can guess, still want to see it)

  1. In case the extra chapter was hidden form the world forever I write my conclusion here~ (o˘◡˘o) Hmm, hmm, hmm what to say now after the end? It was quite a nice and light novel with some ‘darker’ plots, but sometimes I felt like author-sama planned the main events, but has some problem with connection between them (❁´ω`❁) It wasn’t something bad, but the change of pace was noticeable. I still don’t know if I could forgive the selfish kidnapping of a child, but it isn’t me who was affected by it ʅ(。Ő౪Ő。)ʃ Our main couple was sweet, respectfull and good to each other which make me happy! (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡ Thank You very much for Your amazing work and sharing this novel with us! ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ) Take care and can’t wait fo Your another project! (。’▽’。)♡
  2. Thank you for translating this lovely story!

    But I’m kinda sad we’re not seeing the side couples get together (*T^T)

  3. Thanks for translating! I enjoyed the book and I discovered it just when I felt like reading something with a lot of smut and just a little drama. 😍

  4. Thabks, for the translation! It was a fun read. Can you tell me the number ofbwords, please? I am trying to keep track of how much I read this year.

    Thanks again!

  5. Thank you for taking your time to translate this novel.

    P.S. For a better reading experience, I would highly suggest getting an editor or maybe a friend to just read over the translation for grammar, sentence structure, and pronouns. All the best for future translation endeavors.

  6. It was a nice read.

    Xia Wan had painted Huo Yu right? What happened to that painting?

    I thought XW was gifting that 🥺

  7. Thank you for translating!! This was quite the sweet ride to be on and I’m glad I got to see it through ❤️❤️❤️

  8. This was so wholesome! I can’t believe they held the drama for the very end!! They teased those other relationships of the room-mates the whole time but gave us no conclusion! Do you know if they have sequel/related novels that follow up on their story?

    Thanks so much for the translation! As someone who has spent the last week binging, it has been really cool seeing your growth! If you ever need an editor I would love to help you!

    Congratulations on your good work!

  9. Done! — April 17, 2024

    Thank you for the translation!! This was such an amazing story<3 I really love their relationship huhu. o(iwi)o

    • Don’t worry i have started working on Extra chapter of this story. Let me say it is really sweet 🙂

      So, stay tune because extra chapter, and the end chapter of “Accidentally Married to the wrong blind date” and a new story chapter 1 will be posted together.