Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh44 - His Body is Very Cold


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  1. Seems like Ji Xiunian can feel that fate wants him dead… It was great seeing them interact this chapter! I hope we get more about the supernatural peculiarities around Ji Xiunian soon, and also that nothing happens to Fan Zeng, he’s so nice

    Thank you for translating! <3

  2. Thank you for the chapter~

    Wow, if, as you say, it’s not a coincidence, then the thing with the chapters with the number 4 sound so cool! I like when there are small details like that ^^

  3. this night is like, super long yo

    but their sleepover is so cute awww

  4. [Neither melanin nor sleeping pills do me any good.]

    I think it’s supposed to be melatonin…? Correct me if I’m wrong because I just searched up ‘Melanin for sleep’ but google corrected me for ‘Melatonin’ and I’ve also found that Melatonin is the one used for treating short term insomnia…

    Thanks for the chapter! ⋋✿ ⁰ o ⁰ ✿⋌

  5. Hmmm I really wonder what happened to him… did his parents sacrifice their lives for his??

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  6. »Not to mention that Lu Xu was only 18 years old, and didn’t have much experience with death.« I’m always laughing when I read smth like that xDD

    Oho? Do we finally get a bit of information on Nian ge? But it’s already interesting how defenseless he is infront of LX. He’s touching his mouth, let him sleep on his bed, worries about him. Nian ge… there is no hope left for you xDD

    Thx for the ch (≧▽≦)/

  7. I also want to know about JXN, like everything about him. The death mark, the amulet, everything.

    thanks for the chapter! <3

  8. This chapter was very fluffy, with some parts that got me curious. What is ML’s secret, and what is it’s importance for the plot? As time goes, i get more and more interested!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  9. The sloooow burn is real. But what is up with Ji Xiunian’s wrist mark? I don’t think Ji Xiunian is a stowaway. He’s too good of a person to he taking someone else’s life. I wonder if his mom or someone died for him? Is it a crime if it is voluntary? I have no idea how the author will bring a human celebrity and a grim reaper celebrity contestent together. I hope we’ll see more Ba Mei though! Thanks for the update.

  10. I’m almost dead before finishing this chapter. So heart fluttering. Thank you for this precious chapter.

  11. isn’t experienced in death? didn’t he tell you that everyone he knew is dead? Fang are you okay??

    also i find this so cute!!!