Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh46 - Thunder and Lightning Strike


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  1. Hahahha, it’s funny how chill and collected Lu Xu is. Even funnier how circumstances are gonna end up making him the center even if he claims he’ll probably be gone in a few weeks. Jiayou Lu Xu!

    Thank you for the translation!

  2. Will there be more reaper activity soon, or is this just additional foreshadowing? Either way, I’m enjoying it! I’m glad Lai Chengshan’s life-stealing amulets got exposed too, his victims deserve at least that much

    Thank you so much for translating! <3

    • +1. I was worried a little bit that his past victims would be forgotten/swept under the rug. Whew

  3. No morals whatsoever, LCS doesn’t deserve to be a person. HMPH! Glad he got his retribution. >:c

    Lu Xu, we still love you, I would vote for you if I could QAQ

  4. Lu Xu gettibg more and more popular each chapter lmao

    thanks for the chapter~ 💗

  5. No, no, no Nian ge, your thought about LX and the red amulet is correct >3 And seems like that Lan guy’s turn is next, retribution is coming~ :3

    Thx for the ch ٩(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )و

  6. “He of course didn’t think that Lu Xu had the ability to kill people” 😂

    Lan Gaojie Be prepared!!

    Thank you for the chapter ~

  7. Ahh, Lu Xu is so wise and cool! That fake master had it coming! And, did Lu Xu take the coin inside ML’s envelope? Our Ba Mei wasn’t mentioned much today, i’m sad.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  8. I’m super satisfied by Lai Chengshan’s ending. He went to hell, and his reputation among the living is destroyed. That last warning… sounded like it was for Lan Gaojie. Lu Xu is so cool! Thanks for the update!