The Days I Clear Escape Games Pretending to be an NPCCh134 - Star List (3)


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Translator's Note

Boss A Jin’s studio

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Referring to a person’s action. For example, if someone else with a higher status acts kind, you would feel more positive than if it were anyone else.

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The brother

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OG term was ‘Old fresh meat’, used to refer to someone old, or experienced, with a youthful and refreshing appearance.

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Deleted from chat/contacts.

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The brother

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The director promotes an actor, making the actor famous, and their movies, in turn, would also become famous. They also get the added bonus of being the one to launch the actor’s career

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This paragraph refers to the brother

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RYF is asking sarcastically. Fish thinks he has hit the nail on the head. The brother was probably satisfied with his “achievements” and his fans only increased his ego, causing him to be deluded.

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Fish hopes everyone is doing alright after reading this chapter. I will edit this chapter so that sensitive sections will be hidden if anyone wants that.

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Enjoy A Fei’s handsome and cool face, and enjoy Sandman’s con-artist businessman face!

Translator's Note

Fish usually does not feel too strongly about most fictional things, but as someone who had witnessed violent deaths (more times and closer in proximity than I would want), it does disturb me to some extent, even if fictional, to read about a young child witnessing the same scene. This is the reason for the trigger warning.

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  1. So pretty! I obviously already love the characters but somehow your art makes me want to love them more. Ren Yifei has had it so rough, I feel really distressed for him—not only the brutal childhood and growth he lived through, but having supernatural events happen that force him to question his already tangled reality. First the trauma made it hard for him to feel, then he experienced the “Big Bad System” and sealed his emotions again… It’s nice that he has his dessert player now, I hope Saman can give him some warm emotions of his own and a sense of security. Saman definitely seems to like aspects of Ren Yifei that are entirely himself, like his greed for sweets and hiding from the cold

    Thank you so much for translating! <3

  2. Aw, Fish, have a virtual hug! I hope you’re in a good place mentally and physically and have people you love and that love you by your side. hug

    On A Fei’s matter… what kinda crab family is that. No wonder A Fei sealed away his extreme emotions! Also, I really don’t blame him for having a hand in the deaths of his family members — but it also isn’t good for him, evil begets evil and pain begets pain. It would be great if Saman could help him sooth this trauma.

    And on the matter of death… It is frightening. I sometimes want to stop existing, yet the thought of hurting myself goes extremely against all my instincts and values, so I have to find things in this world that keep me anchored in life.

    So for my own sake, in real life, I stay away from death and the things related to it, no matter how close it sometimes gets. Reading about it isn’t too bad, but writing about it I seem to fall back into that headspace, feeling like I’m a zombie that can’t properly see, hear or feel. So I imagine that translating this part of the chapter while having similar experiences was quite a challenge for Fish.

    So thank you for the chapter and your hard work, it is much appreciated ❤

    P.S. The picture is really pretty, Fish has great style. It suits the story very well~

    • I understand those feelings, and although I’m sure everyone experiences those thoughts differently, I believe every one of them would be scary to go through. I hope you are doing well and maintaining a good head space. However, don’t push yourself too much to be alright all the time, sometimes you just have to be a bit sad/empty, but everything will be alright after the sadness (food and physical contact, especially with animals, helps).

      I’m doing good as well, so don’t worry about Fish too much (although all the love and well wishes are very appreciated hehe).

      • Thank you, Fish. I appreciate your thoughts on this~ I’m currently doing quite well, and I’ve learned to focus on happy memories, seeing things in a positive light, and that it’s okay to be sad and cry and go look for a hug from my family.

        It’s also good to know that Fish is doing well, knowing that people I care about are well is a happy thing, even if I will never really get to know them.

  3. I was wondering what was bad enough this chapter to warrant a trigger warning but yeah, that headspace A Fei got in was pretty bad. Probably good to have a trigger warning for that.

    As my life has been boring and trauma-free the only trigger warning I request is cat deaths please.

  4. ».. him was polished from a stubborn rock to a beautiful jade.« he was

    That dear brother really has a low IQ. Didn’t he already realize what kind of place the CoD (no, not that game xDD) is? Did he really expect a different reaction from those inhabitants there after he throws out all the “dirt” of RYF? He really needs some brain upgrade lol

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶

    And we got to see another gorgeous fanart of yours :3

  5. Hey Fish, be sure to take care of yourself as well. Thank you for the trigger warning. I hope you have a lot of good tea or hot cocoa to relax after this.

  6. Pei! Pei! Pei! piece of trash!!! What a good ‘parent’ she is, I’m actually saddened by how much novels I go across with bad parenting and child abuse, like- even in fictional worlds we can’t have a family that knows how to treat their children correctly, I’m guessing A’Fei’s mum had some mental issues and stuff cuz that’s an effed up stuff to do to a child…

    Fish… witnessing the same scene…? Violent deaths…? I don’t know what happened but I sure hope you don’t encounter those situation again, stay safe <3