PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh8 - Bosses, be brave and don’t charge money ah!


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Translator's Note

Divi: Oh boy Boss Yi, looks like you didn’t read the controls.

When you jump off the plane, you have to press W (the forward movement key) while looking down in order to quickly descend. You can also use the other movement keys (A, S, D) to change your parachute’s trajectory. Otherwise, you’d drop down at the rate of gravity, slowly.

Translator's Note

so right now it says 26, but later on in the novel it’ll say Yi Chen is nearly 28, so he’s probably actually supposed to be 27 and this is a typo in the raws

Translator's Note

literally sailing with the wind

Translator's Note

Divi: This is called the red zone

It’s explained in the text below, but this is what it looks like:

red zone

It doesn’t drop everywhere in this red marked area, it drops in random areas within this red marked zone. And you’re safe in buildings.

Translator's Note

honorable you

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36.5 USD

Translator's Note

he’s being sarcastic, 250 sounds like the word for crazy

Translator's Note

vest not so much an icon as a little picture by the username

Translator's Note

A starlight is different from a little star (which is 500 yuan). To avoid any confusion

Translator's Note

about 290 usd

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  1. Can’t wait to see more of unlucky Boss Yi~ let’s see how Yanyan would handle that~

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  2. Admin 3 needs to get his face beat 😤 Unfair af especially when there was clear proof

  3. I can already picture Yanyan struggling to carry 2 noobs at a permanent basis; Boss Yi with terrible luck and poor game mechanics, and Lord Lu who cried daddy every minute 😂🤣😂🤣😂.

  4. Poor Yanyan… He’s cute and well behaved but the other anchor is Just too powerful to deal with him yet. Just you wait.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Can’t wait for that shitty administrator to be smacked. New reader here, I’m quite curious when the shitty administrator will be wiped out as in what chapter exactly so I can note it down. If anyone knows, appreciate a little bit spoil hehe. Thank you for the chapters! ( ˘ ³˘)♥

  6. Can’t wait for Yan Yan to Carry the unlucky star. Feel bad for the lil’ bro.

    Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~❤

  7. Don’t mention winning, Yi Chen basically couldn’t even walk out of the parachute landing area alive.

    That was epic 🤣

  8. I thought that administrator 3 is the anchor who belittled him in his livestream and using cheats to kill him because they have the same ID name. And Yan knows it thats why he reported to the administrator 3 that what the other will report, he report it also (he just use an indirect way of revenge) but I guess I misunderstood