I Like Your PheromonesCh41 - Woo you


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Translator's Note

Literally small elder brother, a polite term one can use to refer to an older male they are not familiar with.

Translator's Note

Socialist values.

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  1. Wahhhhh I support your acting career LX 😭 Keep it up and get best actor award directly from your wifeeeee

    Thanks for the chapter ☺️

  2. The important question is… does Duan Jiayan also want to kiss him??

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  3. How to chase an Omega by Lu Xingci

    Although I wanted them to be together, our baby did have some past experience with an awful alpha so it’s understandable that he is still not entertaining the idea of dating.

  4. Well… that was my first novel in a while in which the MC rejects ML because he genuinely doesn’t have feelings for him.


    Thanks for the update ~❤

  5. “Then can I,” Lu Xingci deliberated and licked his lips before looking at Duan Jiayan. “Be a little wronged by you.”

    The fireworks were done going off and quietened down.

    the fireworks is me going off but never quietened down. I’m screaming (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Just jump onto this pirate ship Xiao Ye!!!