I Like Your PheromonesCh42 - Examination


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Translator's Note

Her pronunciation isn’t clear as she is crying.

Translator's Note

Younger sister

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    • She should, right? And it really does sound like the two brothers have a similar issue. She didn’t mention that it’s safer for his health to stay near Lu Xingci, but she should know that too.

      • Exactly what I was thinking. She should at least be a little anxious whether he stays (bc he’s alone) or goes with them (bc Lu-ge is his best treatment) But she doesn’t seem that worried about what could happen if he goes with them

    • No, she doesn’t know about the disorder. Duan Jiayan decided he didn’t want to tell her so she wouldn’t worry and stress herself out because she’s already worried about his brother

      • Oh, thanks. It’s just that it’s something so big yet she hasn’t discovered anything yet. I thought she would at least get a clue after that incident with that stalker whose name I don’t remember

        • Well, I think part of the reason why Fu Yuan pays more attention to Yunsheng is because his poor health is due to her erasing her past bond to get into a new one, so there’s guilt there. Plus he is really young, compared to DJY who is much older so she feels more at ease leaving DJY alone. I do feel sad for DJY tho :’) It’s okay, he has LXC

          • Yunsheng is not the problem. ofc not. The problem is He Cheng and how he treats DJY [even though he only appeared for a small time you could tell it wasn’t good] and Fu Yuan is definitely not blame free. Not because she pays more attention to Yunsheng but because she doesn’t address how He Cheng treat DJY. I feel like the only person who is genuinely making an effort to interact with DJY is Yunsheng and I feel the reason why DJY isn’t closer with him is because of He Cheng.

  1. Thanks for the chapter!

    It just so happened that Duan Jiayan had to leave the classroom to answer a call.

    I think this is supposed to be Zhao Minjun instead of DJY

  2. Does them having a baby straight away/ as in timeskip without the pregnancy part, can still be considered mpreg? Does it fall in the mpreg category? I kinda wanna see them living together with their little angel. :3 But no kids is fine too.

    • yes me too!!! Especially since Xiao Duan looks like he likes children and you know, Lu-Ge is rich so he should have an heir, but no children is fine too the author should be comfortable with what they write not how the reader forcibly make them write 🙂

  3. No mpreg. So we might not get till marriage part.😭

    But nothing can stop us from imagining. I’m sure we’ll be fed enough dog food🤣

  4. d@mn I was expecting them to have 1 child at least in the extra or sum but I guess not… eh it’s the author’s decisions ¯_(ツ)_/¯