I Like Your PheromonesCh39 - Am I handsome?


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Translator's Note

Literally means, “If I don’t bring her along for the sugar, I will get killed.” Tried my best to make it rhyme in English as it was a rhyme in Chinese QwQ

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

Chinese internet lingo for couple pairing

Translator's Note

A respectful way to refer to someone important, derived from the term 大人 (da ren)

Translator's Note

Another respectful way to refer to someone. Usually used for big-name creators in a fandom.

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  1. ‘With just one playful look from him, he’s in disarray. He had lost.’

    omiiiii my heartue 😌💓

  2. Dear translators this sentence seems to be missing a few words?

    He turned around and saw Lu Xingci smiling lazily, the corners of his eyes carried

  3. All that running! Everyone must glow a little!! This is so sweet…

    Lu Xingci looked him in the eyes and resigned himself to his fate, “You look the best.” ‘After meeting you, the wind, flower, snow and moon all lost their glow and became dimmer.’