I Have MedicineCh97 - Out Adventuring


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  1. Thanks for the chapter~

    Oh lord, their interactions are so sweet, I wonder if Tianheng or Gu Zou fell first? I mean look at Tianheng being focused on Gu Zou, he likes to tease him too \(//∇//)\

  2. They’re sharing a horse! Horseplay! ~cough~wink~cough~

    Translation suggestions:

    For the title, I’d actually suggest “Out Adventuring” as getting the idea across better.

    He seemed a bit suspicious about him taking the credit. –> He felt like he was boasting for credit.

    At this moment, he said the following: –> At this moment, he followed along and said:

    Before, when I was in my clan, I hadn’t experienced much at all. –> Back in my clan, I didn’t lack adventuring.

    That senior sect brother, he was merely an incomparable schemer. –> Big brother was just umatched in cunning. (Pretty sure 师兄 is a typo in the original text there. GZ is drawing a biased comparison between the Yang and GYTH here.)

    At that time, I’ll have Ah Zuo provide support. –> Then I’ll provide support for Ah Zuo. (GYTH is offering to help GZ test out his attacks after leveling up.)

    White Crane Mountain Stream –> White Crane Ravine (mountain stream is 山涧, just 涧 by itself is a ravine/gully.)

    • erm.. sorry, for being nosy, but:

      Before, when I was in my clan, I hadn’t experienced much at all. –> Back in my clan, I didn’t lack adventuring. <—- hadn’t experienced much = without knowledge …… I didn’t lack adventuring = lots of experience/knowledge … that is to say, both sentences have completely different meanings, no? Based on the supposed original sentence, shouldn’t it be changed to “Back in my clan, I lacked adventuring.” ?

      I’m sorry if my suggestion turns out to be nonsense, I’m just responding to the information in your comment….

      • Hi there, translator here.

        I went back to the raws, and checked the sentence in question. My interpretation was incorrect, and Charysa made the right choice.

        Thank you for your concern! I appreciate it! 🙂

        • Hi Tetractys, I’m really sorry for the inconvenience, but thank you for checking it.

          By the way, I absolutely LOVE your translation. You’re doing a great job! Thank you for this. And of course also thank you to charysa. The two of you are awesome.

  3. Ahahaha! Yes, yes! Ride a horse with your hubby little rabbit! 🐴 Huhuhu. I’m looking forward to the next update a lot! Thanks for the chapter~ (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

  4. it’s a date hehe

    thanks for the chappie